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React Maps Suite supports two hooks which allow you to extend the functionality of the map by directly accessing the underlying map libraries. The provider is rendered on the base <Maps /> component or the default export.


Returns an object with googleCluster (a @googlemaps/markerclusterer object) and leafletCluster (a L.MarkerClusterGroup). This is used internally to cluster the markers.


Includes an object with:

  • type: The provider which is being used (google | mapbox | leaflet).
  • googleMap: A google.maps.Map object, only if the type is google.
  • mapBox: A mapboxgl.Map object, only if the type is mapbox.
  • leaflet: A L.Map object, only if the type is leaflet.
  • center: The center of the map, regardless of the provider.
  • zoom: The zoom of the map, regardless of the provider.
  • utils: Helper functions that you can use regardless of the provider:
    • animateTo: animates the map towards a particular position.
    • animateToBounds: animates the map towards specific bounds.
    • fitToPath: fits the map to a set of bounds.
    • getElement: returns the div that renders the map.
    • unproject: returns the x, y coordinates for a given lat, lng.